Join us at one of our community projects, classes and workshops…
South Coast Arts
Wayapa Wuurrk Art Workshop Danebank Anglican
Explore how a movement practice can be represented through a variety of mediuims. Participants will respond to First Peoples' symbology and movement practice of Wayapa to create an artwork representing their personal ‘ Wayapa Wuurrk’ earth connection.”
National Reconciliation Week - Uniting Network
Wayapa Wuurrk Art Workshop Mathews Flinders
Explore how a movement practice can be represented through a variety of mediuims. Participants will respond to First Peoples' symbology and movement practice of Wayapa to create an artwork representing their personal ‘ Wayapa Wuurrk’ earth connection.”
Wayapa Wuurrk on Dharawal Country
Featured at Entelechy Living Bulli Woonona School of Arts. Join Dharawal woman, Jaz Corr, for Wayapa Wuurrk, a practice and gathering of harmony within the environment, through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic well-being.
POWER -THE FUTURE IS HERE at Bondi Pavilion Art Gallery, NSW
Jaz developed and prepared the Dennis Golding POWER - The Future is Here Educational Resource for the Museums & Galleries of NSW.
Wayapa Wuurrk Art Workshop Scotch College
Explore how a movement practice can be represented through a variety of mediuims. Participants will respond to First Peoples' symbology and movement practice of Wayapa to create an artwork representing their personal ‘ Wayapa Wuurrk’ earth connection.”
Wayapa Wuurrk Art Workshop Hills Grammar
Explore how a movement practice can be represented through a variety of mediuims. Participants will respond to First Peoples' symbology and movement practice of Wayapa to create an artwork representing their personal ‘ Wayapa Wuurrk’ earth connection.”
Esoteric Festival 2024
“ Upon surviving the barren world, we have combined enough materials, tech & know-how to escape the Wild Wastelands. With our shonky starship of scraps, it's time to fire up the warp drive and finally set course for the deep depths of the Esoverse to see what adventures our next journey into the dark unchartered cosmos holds! We are all stardust... “
Wayapa Wuurrk Women’s Full Moon Gathering -Feb
Wayapa Wuurrk Women’s Full Moon Gathering. A practice and gathering of harmony within the environment, through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic well-being.
Wayapa Wuurrk on Dharawal Country
Featured at Entelechy Living Bulli Woonona School of Arts. Join Dharawal woman, Jaz Corr, for Wayapa Wuurrk, a practice and gathering of harmony within the environment, through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic well-being.
Wayapa Wuurrk Women’s Full Moon Gathering -Jan
INVASION DAY - Wayapa Wuurrk Women’s Full Moon Gathering. A practice and gathering of harmony within the environment, through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic well-being.
Wayapa Wuurrk Women’s Full Moon Gathering -Dec
Last session of 2023 Wayapa Wuurrk Women’s Full Moon Gathering. A practice and gathering of harmony within the environment, through a combination of Earth mindfulness, narrative meditation, a series of physical movements and taking action to look after the planet, Wayapa® provides a sense of belonging to the Earth while creating holistic well-being. FREE for MOB.
NeuroBLOOM Wayapa Wuurrk Fine Art Workshop
Jaz is facilitating a Wayapa Wuurrk Art Workshop with the Neurobloom Team for the end of year connection Meeting. Participants explore the BAMAL Pilgrim 2023 Art Collection and how movement practice can be represented through a variety of mediums.
POWER -THE FUTURE IS HERE at Wagga Wagga Art Gallery, NSW
Jaz developed and prepared the Dennis Golding POWER - The Future is Here Educational Resource for the Museums & Galleries of NSW.
Women Illawarra
Honoured to share an Acknowledgment and Wayapa Wuurrk Welcome for the Women Illawarra Org AGM.
Women Illawarra “is a not-for-profit community organisation run by women for women.”
Offering Domestic & Family Violence Support, Community Programs, Resources and Information.
Education Resource for Museums & Galleries of NSW
Jaz has developed POWER The Future Is Here Educational Resource supporting Aboriginal Artist Dennis Golding.
BAMAL Pilgrim
"From the banks of the river, to the cool waters flowing, the pilgrimage is the journey gliding back to the sacred parts of childhood. To weave the past memories of trauma with new memories establishing positive reconnection and reconciliation with Bamal (earth). To listen to Mother Earth, to restore harmony and balance within the Artist’s self, community, and country. To heal.”