Kiama Jazz & Blues Festival

It is an honour to represent my community and my home as the selected Visual Artist for the Kiama Jazz & Blue Festival.

Artist Statement

Kiarama - Where the Sea makes noise

Kiama is derived from the term “Kiarama” meaning “where the Sea makes noise” we use this term to draw attention to the traditional custodians, the undeniable bloodlines and the cultural significance of this region. The image is saturated with blue to symbolise the Sea and the ocean spray how “the Sea makes noise”, the organic lines represent our waterways and Country. The black lines are iconography based on the Wayapa Wuurrk practice and symbolise rain/water honouring our seasons and the year of La Nińa. The Kiama Jazz & Blues Festival is about music, a celebration of/on “where the Sea makes noise”. 

For more details see the Kiama Jazz & Blues Festival website.


Wayapa Wuurrk Art Workshop Tribal Warrior H.O.M.E Program


Esoteric 2023. 10-14 March